CMDB coastal and marine engineering, development, refurbishment and protection. Preserving our Caribbean environment.

It all begins with an issue.
deterioration, change, improvement, access, environmental destruction, nature, whatever we wish to call it.
It requires special attention, engineers innovation and draftsmanship, a construction company who understands materials and has the will and experience to bring the project to a successful conclusion.
We are foundation specialists, creating reliable and durable anchors in unstable environments...
Better science and quality
in our finished products.
We invite you to review our work, then contact us and discuss how we can secure your foundations, your coast and your future, with smart construction.
CMS Overview
CMS is a dynamic and innovative company, specialising in onshore and inshore piling, construction and marine engineering within the Caribbean Region.
We install pilings which we design to suit each environment in which we work.
The customisation and use of non traditional, state-of-the-art piling systems ensures minimal environmental impact, increased installation speed, minimal material wastage and consequently a lower project cost for our clients.
Our History
CMS was founded in 2004, initially as
a shallow-water marine contractor, building docks and jetties, restoring beaches, laying mooring buoys, building/ repairing sea defences, dredging and boat maintenance.
The company was acquired in 2008,
by the present owners, Sam Verity
and Kelsey Kerridge.
Sam and Kelsey originally expanded the range of company services, to include beach restoration and the installation of boat lifts, then diversified to onshore piling in late 2011.
Mission Statement
To implement low cost and efficient solutions to the piling of foundations for buildings and marine structures in Caribbean islands, where the costs of imported materials and specialist services are generally very high.
The CMS Group are registered
and based in St Lucia, Turks & Caicos Islands, St. Kitts, Antigua and Guyana and can quickly mobilise, anywhere across the Caribbean, at any time.
A great many projects have already been completed in TCI, St Kitts,
St Lucia, Grenada and Guyana, with others under review in Aruba and Haiti.
Our project input is bound to improve your construction output.
Efficient, timely, safe & on budget.
The CMS Group combine marine & onshore construction work, with an impressive portfolio of multiple construction environments.
Read moreCMS were asked to sand probe underwater areas in The Grenadines, to install Manta Ray anchors, to create easily accessible moorings.
Read moreWe are specialists who improve each project in which we are included, while updating the approach of the Caribbean construction industry.
Read moreCOASTAL was contracted to design, develop and install an hydraulic swing bridge system in the new and innovative South Bank Development, TCI.
Read moreThe CMS Group fuse on-land coastal and marine construction to complete complex projects in record time with durable and reliable results
Read moreRecognizing that CFA piles are ideal for the soil of the Turks and Caicos Islands, CMSCS has added this to its specialist foundation skills.
Time Lapse video
of DIP installation
Foundation Piling, Dock Piling, Sheet Piling, Installation of Boat lifts, Dredging
and Sheerscape Retaining structures.
Harbour Club St. Lucia
Foundation Piling
The Koi Resort, St. Kitts
Beach reconstruction
and RO intake installation
Royalton, St. Lucia
Offshore breakwater construction
and piling of over-water rooms
Sandals Grand, St. Lucia
Cost effective range of traditional and innovative installation services, combined with outstanding manufacturer support, considerable large project construction and management experience within the region, and excellent response time, make CMS the right choice for an onshore and inshore piling and marine engineering partner.
CMS specialise in inshore Vinyl Sheet Pile installation to stabilise land/water margins and steel, wood and fibreglass piling for marina and jetty projects.
We work directly with
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We at CMS will be there for you at the beginning, establishing the foundations for your project. We take pride in providing accurate designs and solutions, our experience and positive approach makes CMS a vital professional service partner for any construction project, especially those which require considerable onsite ingenuity and innovation.
Sam Verity
Managing Director
Kelsey Kerridge
Director & Partner
John Verity
Business Manager
Kitama Augustin
Shervon Emile
Kevin Jean
Jariah Edward Pious
Engineering Technician
Junior Project Managers