COASTALDESIGNBUILD Management and Preservation

Coastal management and preservation has often been viewed as a tertiary environmentalist issue, for university research, packed full of theories and hypotheses. 
At the very least, “it’s someone else’s problem”.  It’s the same story for “global warming”.

Times and views have changed, as the evidence, day by day, is all around us.

Across the Caribbean, we clean up on a regular basis, have community drives and campaigns to tidy our beaches and in some cases our mangroves.  Land fills and secondary uses for car tyres have become necessary changes to our arsenal of environmental efforts.

These are admirable efforts and long may they continue, but as we look deeper into our self preservation, as islands, tidal erosion and increased global water levels are no longer topics of discussion amongst the ‘conscious’ and well-meaning eco aware.  These are events which are happening 24/7, 365, thanks, mostly to global warming and poor industrial, rainforest interior and coastal management.

It has never been more injurious to our region, as our now extreme weather patterns continue to erode our beaches and coasts, with increased voracity.

We have actively destroyed many of our great reefs and allowed beaches to wash away with little replacement or active concern.

Consequently, the beauty which is ours, is rapidly shrinking and with it, the homes of indigenous flora and fauna, the backdrop and focus of our tourist industries.

In response to this crisis and beyond, COASTAL has fused waterfront preservation and marine engineering skills with modern construction techniques to develop cost effective solutions to these environmental difficulties.

From revetments, protecting the property of private beachfront homes, to groynes, canals, channels and floating docks, each of our projects protect and redevelop coasts at risk.

We are very exited about the recent interest shown in coastal protection, especially in low lying development areas of the Caribbean.  We meet every new project with fresh science and a clear vision of future security.

You don’t have to be scientifically inclined to identify the risks and need for changes.  Protecting a long term investment in the pleasure of living in the Caribbean, may just be the best reason.  Attached to that, is the knowledge that you are doing your part to resist the ravages of climate change.

If you combine sustainable solar and turbine energy, resistant building materials and sensible hurricane resistant construction techniques, with our marine and coastal engineering, you have actively secured your development, while assisting your Caribbean environment.

COASTAL is multi skilled in vision as well as engineering and construction.

We invite you to review our work, then contact us and discuss 
how we can secure your foundations, your coast and your future, 
with smart construction.

excellence in regional engineering
an integral part of

The CMS Group
Better science and quality in our finished products.

COASTAL DESIGN BUILD Enid Capron’s new playground in TCI
COASTAL, with other local contractors were invited to make a contribution to the development of a playground at the Enid Capron Primary school, Turks and Caicos.
CMS | Sand Probing and Anchoring in The Grenadines
CMS were asked to sand probe underwater areas in The Grenadines, to install Manta Ray anchors, to create easily accessible moorings.
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD South Bank Hydraulic Bridge TCI
COASTAL was contracted to design, develop and install an hydraulic swing bridge system in the new and innovative South Bank Development, TCI.
COASTAL building solutions for our fragile islands
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD has the specialist building solutions to create and refurbish our delicate islands, making each project durable and sustainable.
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD excellence in regional engineering
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD provides inshore engineering excellence throughout the region securing our islands and future with smart construction.
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD management and preservation
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD provides excellence in regional engineering, securing our foundations our coast, and our future with smart construction.
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD South Bank Floating Docks
CMDB developed and installed floating docks for the marina front of the South Bank residential and marina development, Providenciales TCI
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD salvage a sunken steel tug.
CMDB crew salvage a sunken steel tug, located on the site of a new floating dock installation of the South Bank Marina, Providenciales, TCI.
Swiss Cheese is our COASTAL landing craft
Swiss Cheese, aka Seaweed, is our refurbished COASTAL landing craft and spud barge, ready for marine construction operations in TCI.
Our Crane Barge Operation
With ATI, our barge haulage partners, 
we offer our Crane Barge operation, for coastal construction within the region and South America.
Emerald Point Groyne TCI

CMDB recently completed the Emerald Point groyne in Providenciales, TCI.  The 600ft long terminal groyne was constructed to prevent coastal erosion of beach assets.  

Salacia House TCI

Salacia House, a beach front property in the Turks and Caicos Islands, required a revetment to reduce coastal erosion and enhanced beach access.