piling and pile testing at St Lucia Distillers

Piling and pile testing at St. Lucia Distillers

The CMS Group

Approach, Execution & Workmanship

The CMS Group established a regional presence by creating confidence in three distinct areas:

  • Our Approach
       - going above and beyond client requirements.
       - innovation in design.  Finding cost effective and reliable, well designed solutions, 
         using contemporary materials, technology and good science to achieve our goals.
  • Our Execution
       - Finding the right multi skilled team who love to get the job done and with precise             planning, on time and price. 
  • Our Workmanship
       - A top quality finish which speaks for itself.

Many projects across the region have already taken advantage of our simple, precise, flexible and 'quick to install' foundation system, which is as cost effective as it is reliable.

The Plug&Drive© Ductile Iron Pile System is paving the way for smarter, less cumbersome and wasteful construction techniques in the Caribbean.

Some of the reasons are:

  • Ease of Shipping. In 20ft. containers.
  • Low mobilisation costs. Simple, small scale equipment.
  • Fast installation. Piling Rates up to 200m per day per rig.
  • Cost effective. Saving up to 70% of traditional piling costs 
    of precast or steel encased concrete piling.
  • Flexible. Pile anywhere a 30 ton excavator can go. Piles can be driven less than a metre from existing structures and inside some buildings.
  • Environmentally Friendly. No spoil created. Low VibrationLess Noise.
  • Self Proving. A driven pile is a tested pile.
  • Immediate follow-on ConstructionNo site disruption.
  • Decades of proven success in foundations in and outside of the Caribbean.
  • Our experienced small crew operations function well, within COVID-19 protocols of social distancing and sanitation.  This is especially useful where time/ risk is of the essence.

What’s more, DIP has an incredibly wide scope of application:

  • Residential & Industrial buildings
  • Slender structures
  • Building Excavations
  • Civil Engineering works
  • Underpinning retaining walls
  • Pipe laying
  • Slope stabilisation
  • wherever a reliable foundation is required.

Please review our DIP Presentation:

We also provide dynamic and full scale static load testing for all kinds of piling 
according to ASTM D4945, D1143, D3689, D3966 or equivalents.

full scale tension testing at Distillery

full scale tension testing at Distillery

The CMS Group use current technology, design and engineering science to improve the construction environment and establish durable solutions for all of our projects.

We also enhance existing coastal and onshore developments with traditional timber piles and steel or vinyl sheet piling, re-establishing ‘at risk’ shorelines, reclaiming eroded areas and creating stable environments for new construction.

These adjustments create renewed coastal opportunities, well suited to the the region’s delicate island environments, while reducing the threats of rising sea levels and warmer waters, caused by global warming.

Emerald Pointe Groyne, TCI

Salacia House revetment, TCI

Our marine works encompasses beach reconstruction and nourishment using groynes and retaining structures to reduce erosion and encourage deposition of sand by reducing wave and current energy.

Our onshore construction work includes retaining structures to control unstable soil environments, such as hillsides and retaining walls.

Our beginnings grew from our marine work, constructing jetties and boat lifts, boat salvage and FADS, which laid the ground work for our flexible on and offshore group today.



Boat Lifts

Boat lifts

We invite you 
to review our work,
then contact us and discuss 
how the CMS Group 
can secure your foundations, 
your coast and your future, 
with smart construction.

COASTAL DESIGN BUILD Enid Capron’s new playground in TCI
COASTAL, with other local contractors were invited to make a contribution to the development of a playground at the Enid Capron Primary school, Turks and Caicos.
The CMS Group | Multiple Construction environments
The CMS Group combine marine & onshore construction work, with an impressive portfolio of multiple construction environments.
CMS | Sand Probing and Anchoring in The Grenadines
CMS were asked to sand probe underwater areas in The Grenadines, to install Manta Ray anchors, to create easily accessible moorings.
The CMS Group | Every construction project deserves innovation
We are specialists who improve each project in which we are included, while updating the approach of the Caribbean construction industry.
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD South Bank Hydraulic Bridge TCI
COASTAL was contracted to design, develop and install an hydraulic swing bridge system in the new and innovative South Bank Development, TCI.
The CMS Group | changing the quality of Caribbean construction
The CMS Group fuse on-land coastal and marine construction to complete complex projects in record time with durable and reliable results
Accomplish remarkable construction productivity with CFA piling by CMSCS
Recognizing that CFA piles are ideal for the soil of the Turks and Caicos Islands, CMSCS has added this to its specialist foundation skills.
The CMS Group | Coastal, inshore and Island wide
The CMS Group work to secure coastal and inland erosion, correcting and enhancing poor environmental management with better science.
COASTAL building solutions for our fragile islands
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD has the specialist building solutions to create and refurbish our delicate islands, making each project durable and sustainable.
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD excellence in regional engineering
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD provides inshore engineering excellence throughout the region securing our islands and future with smart construction.
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD management and preservation
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD provides excellence in regional engineering, securing our foundations our coast, and our future with smart construction.
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD South Bank Floating Docks
CMDB developed and installed floating docks for the marina front of the South Bank residential and marina development, Providenciales TCI