SLASPA Bathymetric Surveys & Emergency Dredging

Cruise Ship Berth #2, Place Carenage, St. Lucia

With a critically tight deadline, CMS was called in by SLASPA* 
in late June, to run bathymetric surveys and dredge the commercial berths at Place Carenage to a depth of 10 metres.

This was necessary to maintain cruise ship services to St Lucia,
whilst the extension to the Pointe Seraphine cruise ship terminal
was being constructed.

The successful dredging was profiled as
a front-page article in all the local papers.

*St. Lucia Air & Sea Ports Authority

The excavator boom had to be extended by 13 feet,
to give  the necessary reach; an extraordinary engineering feat
in the time frame.

During the dredging a huge propeller was recovered from what was believed to be a merchant ship torpedoed during the Second World War, together with a very large unidentified ships anchor.

Either of these discoveries could have damaged the hull of
a large cruise ship.

CMDB, our Caribbean joint venture company with coastal design engineers Smith Warner International of Jamaica, is currently contacting many of the hotels in the Leeward Islands, to offer their services to rebuild and renovate the many beaches and marine facilities which have been damaged by the recent hurricanes.

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Let CMS become a vital contributor to your marine or onshore piling or construction project, a reliable contractor when your problems require trusted, durable solutions and an expert,
quality construction company, for key land and marine security, reclamation and reconstruction work.