Stop Worrying About Your Boat!

In the warm waters of St Lucia

the maintenance costs of keeping your boat hull and props free of fouling is significant. A boat lift eliminates the problem.

It only takes a few days for weed to start growing, even on the most expensive antifoul surface and the cost and time of dealing with it, eats into your enjoyment of the boat.

A boat lift reduces maintenance, prevents harmful growth on outdrives, props and shafts and ensures your boat is ready to sail in
a few seconds whenever you want it.
It also provides peace of mind, knowing that the vessel is out of the water and not at the mercy of leaking through a hull fitting, or a failed bilge pump.

US statistics show that around 85% of boats that sink – do so at their own dock.

CMS has installed a series of boat lifts for customers in the Rodney Bay Lagoon area of St. Lucia. They range in size from 15 to 40,000lbs, but can be as small as 1,500lbs for a Jet Skis and can be built to accommodate up to 120,000lbs for your Viking 62’!

CMS will help source the lift best suited to your environment and design the installation, providing all the information you need to make the right decision. Ultimately, we will then install and commission the lift.
CMS also provides annual maintenance and will act on your behalf with the lift manufacturer if any warranty issues arise.

So saying, the current generation of boat lifts with gear drives and US manufactured motors are proving themselves year after year, to be practically maintenance free and totally reliable even in our harsh marine environment.

A boat lift accounts for only a small percentage of your boating expense, yet it greatly reduces maintenance, pays for itself, and adds enjoyment to your boating experience.