The CMS Group | Every construction project deserves innovation.
Cookie cutter development, while purporting to reduce construction costs, often fails in engineering and aesthetics and consequently becomes a stale and expensive maintenance problem, in a relatively short space of time.
From the very outset, the CMS Group set out to change that dynamic of Caribbean construction, from its foundations, utilising quality piling and robust building techniques, which reduce overall costs, while increasing the project durability and efficiency.
Coupled to this, we recognise that our region contains unique assets which all contribute to our Caribbean experience.
It’s our responsibility to care for and protect these,
even in the wake of necessary change.
From the multitude of soil types and coastal configurations, to slopes, gullies and commercial, hotel and private developments and drainage, these are at constant risk of being treated with indifference.
Our goal is to find ways in which we can create construction techniques to stop inland and inshore erosion, coastal and reef deterioration, and create as little environmental disturbance as possible.
In essence to proactively reclaim and stabilise, before loss and disaster, even when faced with the increasing effects of global warming.
We utilise many ways to achieve this, often with major budget advantages.
It's all based on smart thinking, quality science and a will to make things durable, eco friendly, better maintained and much more in keeping with our existing and future vision of our island environment.
Many may rush into a project with the same old corner cutting for which the construction industry has become notorious.
We look at the materials
and the engineering choices.
In most places, we create new options which are borne of science, tested then retested by engineers, then brought to production.
In short, we find new ways to achieve better goals for our clients, either as a component part of a much larger development, or a single CMS managed project.
Our marine and coastal experience allows for a fresh perspective on erosion, while our onshore and inshore work elicits stabilisation and reclamation.
We are specialists who improve each and every project in which we are included, changing the way that the modern Caribbean construction industry thinks and responds to the age old restrictions of budgets and the elements.
From dredging and sea floor manta ray anchors, to access canals and hydraulic bridges, sheet, CFA and DIP piling, revetments, stone groynes and floating docks, we work with nature and its inherent variations to create stability, accessibility, durability and solid foundations across the region.
Our ever increasing network of support services allow us to move large quantities of sand, stone and plant machinery to many destinations in the region. These are key to building storm ravaged beaches, walkways and coastal protections.
The CMS Group are a key component to successful, cost effective building in the region, and as such, we look forward to a bright and innovative future for the Caribbean construction industry and further developing our role in this evolution.
Call us today. Talk out your project with us.
Our project input
is bound to improve your construction output.
Efficient, timely, safe and on budget.
The CMS Group
Better science and quality in our finished products.
CMDB recently completed the Emerald Point groyne in Providenciales, TCI. The 600ft long terminal groyne was constructed to prevent coastal erosion of beach assets.
Salacia House, a beach front property in the Turks and Caicos Islands, required a revetment to reduce coastal erosion and enhanced beach access.