New Jetties at Praslin Bay and Savannes Bay

Both the safety and efficiency of the fishermen have been greatly improved by the building of these new docks, the one in Praslin Bay, extending more than 100 metres out to sea and making it much easier for the fishermen to launch their boats, bring them in, and safely unload their catch.

The risk of personal injury to the men as well as the risk of damage to their vessels from using the old, unsafe jetties and having to drag
the boats up onto the beach every day, has now been eliminated.

A similar 100 metre dock was also constructed at Savannes Bay
for the same reasons, and these two jetties have reportedly made
a hugely positive difference to the fishing industry on the East coast.

New fishing docks had been promised to these communities by
the Government for many years and CMS has made them happen, completing both docks ahead of time and on budget.