CMS | Sand Probing and Anchoring in The Grenadines

Our Caribbean islands are simply a paradise for yachts and sea traffic and inevitably, at high risk for irreversible damage due to over use.

Fortunately, new technology can often cut through the age old problems of budgets and scant resources, to create environmentally friendly solutions.

We were asked to sand probe coastal areas in St. Vincent and The Grenadines, to install Manta Ray geotechnical anchors, primarily to protect vulnerable sea floor structures and create easily accessible moorings for visiting boats in high risk areas.

The process began with divers probing the sea bed sand with metal rods, to ascertain the necessary sand depth of at least 7 feet.  We installed a drive anchor hinged to the steel rod of the Manta Ray in the required depth of sand.

We then activated and tested the drive anchor on the tip of the Manta Ray, by raising the shaft with a load locker, securing the device in the sand.  Finally, the anchor plate was attached to the head of the steel shaft at the surface of the seabed.

This created a stable fixture for the attachment of a cable to a polyethylene surface buoy with an attached pickup line.  

These are reliable moorings for yachts, which avoid dropped boat anchors, potentially dislodging rocks or destroying coral on the sea bed.

Manta Ray anchors are a simple, well designed response to a constant threat to our coastal and in shore environments.  They have a wide range of on and off shore applications, determined by their drive anchor and shaft capacity, with no disturbance or displacement of sand or soil. 

We have now installed over 300 of these devices
throughout these islands.

The CMS Group
Better science and quality in our finished products.

COASTAL DESIGN BUILD Enid Capron’s new playground in TCI
COASTAL, with other local contractors were invited to make a contribution to the development of a playground at the Enid Capron Primary school, Turks and Caicos.
CMS | Sand Probing and Anchoring in The Grenadines
CMS were asked to sand probe underwater areas in The Grenadines, to install Manta Ray anchors, to create easily accessible moorings.
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD South Bank Hydraulic Bridge TCI
COASTAL was contracted to design, develop and install an hydraulic swing bridge system in the new and innovative South Bank Development, TCI.
COASTAL building solutions for our fragile islands
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD has the specialist building solutions to create and refurbish our delicate islands, making each project durable and sustainable.
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD excellence in regional engineering
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD provides inshore engineering excellence throughout the region securing our islands and future with smart construction.
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD management and preservation
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD provides excellence in regional engineering, securing our foundations our coast, and our future with smart construction.
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD South Bank Floating Docks
CMDB developed and installed floating docks for the marina front of the South Bank residential and marina development, Providenciales TCI
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD salvage a sunken steel tug.
CMDB crew salvage a sunken steel tug, located on the site of a new floating dock installation of the South Bank Marina, Providenciales, TCI.
Swiss Cheese is our COASTAL landing craft
Swiss Cheese, aka Seaweed, is our refurbished COASTAL landing craft and spud barge, ready for marine construction operations in TCI.
Our Crane Barge Operation
With ATI, our barge haulage partners, 
we offer our Crane Barge operation, for coastal construction within the region and South America.
Emerald Point Groyne TCI

CMDB recently completed the Emerald Point groyne in Providenciales, TCI.  The 600ft long terminal groyne was constructed to prevent coastal erosion of beach assets.  

Salacia House TCI

Salacia House, a beach front property in the Turks and Caicos Islands, required a revetment to reduce coastal erosion and enhanced beach access.