The CMS Group | Coastal, inshore and islandwide

We've spoken previously, of the fragility of our island coasts and the significant instability caused by poor, environmental management, combined with global warming.  COASTAL's engineering skills bring relief and optimism to this seemingly perpetual and costly erosion.

The condition inland is no less significant.

Island real estate is forever at a premium, regardless of its topography.  Sadly the dramatic nature of the coast with imminent potential for natural disaster, is no less far reaching as the loss of land through instability and poor engineering practices.  

Land slips, undermining, heavy rains, river blockage, poor drainage issues and limited understanding of ‘knock on’ effects of construction practices, have destabilised and rerouted natural water flow and soil, causing many problematic and expensive issues. 

Our human indifference to future planning, often supplements nature’s increasing storm weather; a recipe for long term disaster.

CMSCS continues to effectively re-secure land and foundation works in many areas of the Caribbean, where soil instability and super saturation are major drawbacks to construction projects large and small.

We are foundation specialists, creating reliable and durable anchors in unstable environments, using combinations of traditional timber, vinyl sheet and Ductile Iron Piling.

In doing so, we bring extensive planning, engineering and site installation experience, significantly reducing cost, construction time and staffing requirements, which meet or surpass necessary COVID-19 site protocols.

As a potential client developer, or construction professional, COASTAL and CMSCS have proven construction and engineering success throughout the Caribbean and are willing to share new technology and techniques, to vastly improve the quality of regional building.

The CMS Group specialise in marine, coastal and inland engineering and construction, using detailed planning and better science, to bring durable solutions to the age old island problems of erosion and affordability.

Our regional partnerships now enable us to deliver large cargo, with excellent marine access and dredging capabilities, throughout the islands, while continuing to protect and improve our shores, waterways and complex building environments.

Talk with us today. 
Our project input
is bound to improve your construction output.

Efficient, timely, safe and on budget.

The CMS Group
Better science and quality in our finished products.

COASTAL DESIGN BUILD Enid Capron’s new playground in TCI
COASTAL, with other local contractors were invited to make a contribution to the development of a playground at the Enid Capron Primary school, Turks and Caicos.
CMS | Sand Probing and Anchoring in The Grenadines
CMS were asked to sand probe underwater areas in The Grenadines, to install Manta Ray anchors, to create easily accessible moorings.
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD South Bank Hydraulic Bridge TCI
COASTAL was contracted to design, develop and install an hydraulic swing bridge system in the new and innovative South Bank Development, TCI.
COASTAL building solutions for our fragile islands
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD has the specialist building solutions to create and refurbish our delicate islands, making each project durable and sustainable.
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD excellence in regional engineering
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD provides inshore engineering excellence throughout the region securing our islands and future with smart construction.
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD management and preservation
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD provides excellence in regional engineering, securing our foundations our coast, and our future with smart construction.
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD South Bank Floating Docks
CMDB developed and installed floating docks for the marina front of the South Bank residential and marina development, Providenciales TCI
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD salvage a sunken steel tug.
CMDB crew salvage a sunken steel tug, located on the site of a new floating dock installation of the South Bank Marina, Providenciales, TCI.
Swiss Cheese is our COASTAL landing craft
Swiss Cheese, aka Seaweed, is our refurbished COASTAL landing craft and spud barge, ready for marine construction operations in TCI.
Our Crane Barge Operation
With ATI, our barge haulage partners, 
we offer our Crane Barge operation, for coastal construction within the region and South America.
Emerald Point Groyne TCI

CMDB recently completed the Emerald Point groyne in Providenciales, TCI.  The 600ft long terminal groyne was constructed to prevent coastal erosion of beach assets.  

Salacia House TCI

Salacia House, a beach front property in the Turks and Caicos Islands, required a revetment to reduce coastal erosion and enhanced beach access.