Molasses Tanker Moorings
St. Lucia Distillers.

CMSCS is in the process of installing two heavy duty mooring bollards on Roseau Beach, 
St. Lucia, to improve the safety of mooring molasses tankers, delivering to the Distillery.

The first bollard has been completed, as illustrated above, but installation of the second has been delayed by the current work restrictions imposed by the St Lucia Government to combat the spread of Coronavirus.

The image above shows the construction of the shoring for casting the anchor block, utilising vinyl sheet piles.

Once the vinyl sheet piling is installed, the shoring acts as a coffer dam as well as a form for the concrete. The excavation can be dewatered by pumping, leaving the formwork dry for the installation of steel and concrete.

2 ¼” bolts are used to finally bolt down the mooring bollard once the concrete is sufficiently cured and the formwork removed.

These moorings are designed for a working load bollard pull, in excess of 80 tons each,
to accommodate large tankers such as the vessel below, from Surinam, during the molasses pumping operations.

COASTAL DESIGN BUILD Enid Capron’s new playground in TCI
COASTAL, with other local contractors were invited to make a contribution to the development of a playground at the Enid Capron Primary school, Turks and Caicos.
The CMS Group | Multiple Construction environments
The CMS Group combine marine & onshore construction work, with an impressive portfolio of multiple construction environments.
CMS | Sand Probing and Anchoring in The Grenadines
CMS were asked to sand probe underwater areas in The Grenadines, to install Manta Ray anchors, to create easily accessible moorings.
The CMS Group | Every construction project deserves innovation
We are specialists who improve each project in which we are included, while updating the approach of the Caribbean construction industry.
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD South Bank Hydraulic Bridge TCI
COASTAL was contracted to design, develop and install an hydraulic swing bridge system in the new and innovative South Bank Development, TCI.
The CMS Group | changing the quality of Caribbean construction
The CMS Group fuse on-land coastal and marine construction to complete complex projects in record time with durable and reliable results
Accomplish remarkable construction productivity with CFA piling by CMSCS
Recognizing that CFA piles are ideal for the soil of the Turks and Caicos Islands, CMSCS has added this to its specialist foundation skills.
The CMS Group | Coastal, inshore and Island wide
The CMS Group work to secure coastal and inland erosion, correcting and enhancing poor environmental management with better science.
COASTAL building solutions for our fragile islands
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD has the specialist building solutions to create and refurbish our delicate islands, making each project durable and sustainable.
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD excellence in regional engineering
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD provides inshore engineering excellence throughout the region securing our islands and future with smart construction.
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD management and preservation
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD provides excellence in regional engineering, securing our foundations our coast, and our future with smart construction.
COASTAL DESIGN BUILD South Bank Floating Docks
CMDB developed and installed floating docks for the marina front of the South Bank residential and marina development, Providenciales TCI