Meeting a challenging year for the Coastal Caribbean
The Caribbean has been truly challenged this year.
Irma and Maria have left indelible marks on the northern islands,
with long roads ahead for reconstruction.
From domestic housing to infrastructure, coasts, beaches
and tourist destinations, the destruction is profound.
CMS and its new found partnership with COASTAL MDB embarked on work in Blue Cay, Turks and Caicos, as the full force of our latest storms attempted to break these idyllic islands.
Fortunately, we found ourselves as first responders; part and parcel
of survival and restoration, as well as our own project work.
Our company, seasoned in onshore and inshore construction,
is now quickly becoming part of the landscape of new and more durable solutions to those damaged areas.
As the story of the north islands played out, our often complex
marine and coastal work in other areas moved on apace.
Bathymetric surveys and emergency dredging at Place Carenage
and piling for a major cruise ship extension at Pointe Seraphine, Castries Harbour, the re-establishment and reconstruction of
the Tomazo Bridge and Capella Marina renovation, in St. Lucia,
are amongst our most recent achievements.
These projects came in the wake of offshore breakwater
construction and piling of over-water rooms at Sandals Grand,
beach reconstruction and RO (reverse osmosis) intake installation
at Royalton and foundation, dock and sheet piling, boat lift Installation, dredging and Sheerscape retaining structures
at Harbour Club, all in St. Lucia.
With such a breadth of experience in project competence and resolution, combined with obvious client confidence, it was a natural step forward to develop our joint venture company, with coastal design engineers Smith Warner International, of Jamaica.
COASTAL Marine Design Build enables SWI and CMSCS to expand the nature of our business and bring even more fine detail, science, new techniques and materials to the essential matter of coastal preservation and development throughout the region.
We have in essence brought even greater innovation
to coastal construction in the Caribbean.
As we quickly sail towards 2018, we would like to take this opportunity to thank our clients, associates and friends we know
and have made along the way, for making our journey exciting
and invigorating. We truly appreciate your part in our enterprise.
To those who have suffered loss and displacement throughout
our islands, our best thoughts and wishes go with you, for a better more secure future and a swift resolution to the difficulties
which you now face.
We wish everyone who knows us, wherever you may be,
a wonderful Christmas and a successful New Year!
Contact us Today
to Secure & Rebuild
Let CMS become a vital contributor to your marine or onshore piling or construction project, a reliable contractor when your problems require trusted, durable solutions and an expert,
quality construction company, for key land and marine security, reclamation and reconstruction work.