CMSCS Innovation.
The word 'customisation' strikes almost coronary arrest into the hearts of any self respecting quantity surveyor.
And then there is technology, innovation and design thinking.
At CMSCS we are custom construction specialists and as such, we look to all encompassing outcomes; providing solutions which satisfy our clients, provide secure, reliable technology, quality workmanship, and respect and often enhance, the building and surrounding environment, with cost effective, increased onsite efficiency.
Better solutions to age old problems require design thinking, both practically and holistically, to satisfy a greater good.
The Caribbean is an ideal canvas to paint a positive present and future environment. Mainly because we have so much more to lose.
Our treasures are often frail and open to slow, grinding erosion or cataclysmic storm damage.
We can’t put a halt to the global shifts, but we can intelligently repair and stem the damage to our island assets, while assisting in the better construction of new and more friendly, yet resistant structures.
As more regional governments redress and redevelop construction and disaster policies and begin long term thinking to preserve and maintain what belongs, CMSCS is at the heart of transfer technology to a wider audience comprising architects and engineers, material specialists, quantity surveyors and site tradesmen and women.
We like to do, but we also recognise that development requires us to teach, and expose our counterparts in regional construction to our innovations in materials and installation.
It is only though sharing
that we will all become stronger
and last longer.
To get this all done and be sustainable, our core has always been related to an understanding of the physics of nature in marine and coastal areas.
The greatest degradation begins here.
Water, wind and instability are the harbingers of disaster.
Securing our paradise is a martial art of deflection of these forces, to protect life and property, while our economies perpetually sell sun sea and surf and the endless permutations of the perfect beach.
One of those perfect spots, a small island hotel in the Grenadines with chalets spread around a sandy beach, would have workers ‘comb’ the sand outside their rooms in the early morning, so guests would walk on ‘virgin’ Caribbean sand to go to breakfast.
We believe that thought and intent is worth preserving.
It’s what sets us apart.
From Ductile Iron Piling Plug&Drive© systems, for reliable onshore and inshore foundations, to sheet piling, docks and gabion baskets, boat lifts and stone groynes, for beach protection, our work is comprehensive and Caribbean wide.
Nature demands innovation, consideration and an outcome
which satisfies both parties.
CMSCS and CMDB stand ready to assist
in the vital planning
and execution of schemes,
custom designed to reduce storm impact by creating innovative infrastructure.
Decidedly greater investment in self sufficiency and environmental protection,
coastal reinforcement and breakwaters will consolidate existing peace meal work, begun by coastal businesses, especially hotels and marinas.
Thinking in the now for the future
is how we plan, design and implement.
Whatever the scale of your next project, be you financier, developer, designer or contractor, contact us and discover how CMSCS and CMDB can help build your project to be sustainable and durable, on budget and on time.